Terms of use
The administrator gives users the right to use the service and “Scrapp” software on the terms outlined in this agreement.
General terms
- User accepts the terms of this agreement since the installation of the application or authorization for the service through a Google account.
- User gets free access to the service and 1000 MB of disk space to store their data.
- The Service does not collect or store personal data of the user.
- The administrator does not guarantee 100% service availability and is not responsible for any damage caused by inoperable or improper performance of the service.
The right and obligations of the parties
- The user is responsible for all data and files uploaded to the service.
The administrator has the right to delete content posted by the user, or block access to it without the user’s notification or explanation in the following cases:
- placing information violating Russian legislation;
- placing information violating the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, including non-property rights of authors and other intellectual property.
- The administrator has the right to change the terms of the agreement without notifying the user. The changes take effect from the date of publication at scrapp.me/terms.